Creativity is not reserved only for the gifted and talented. It is not an exclusive gift possessed solely by artists, innovators, or visionaries. Creativity is a skill that everyone carries within them, often responsible for our successes, achievements, and personal growth.
Although abstract, creativity is the ability to create new value. But this does not mean we must necessarily be original in the sense of inventing something that has never existed before. Creativity is not only reflected in groundbreaking ideas—it is present in everyday things. It can mean innovation, but also adding new value to existing things, connecting seemingly unrelated concepts, or viewing situations from a different perspective.
Why is creativity important?
Its value is immeasurable. In addition to fostering innovation, creativity teaches us flexibility and understanding. It helps in interpersonal relationships because when we broaden our horizons and develop different approaches, we become more tolerant and open-minded. Creativity encourages teamwork, enhances imagination, and allows us to put a personal touch on our contributions—creating a special sense of fulfillment.
Working in the creative industry is a privilege but also a challenge. Creatives often seek something entirely new, forgetting that innovation often lies in what already surrounds us—if we change our perspective. This is the key: to see familiar things in a new way.
One of the biggest challenges of creativity is balancing “thinking outside the box” with real-world constraints. The box symbolizes established norms, rules, and patterns, while creativity invites us to step out of it. However, straying too far from reality can lead to a dead end. A successful creative process requires balance—we must consider constraints such as budget, technical capabilities, target audience, and market demands, but also find ways to push and overcome these limits to bring our ideas to life.
The good news? Creativity can be trained. Like any other skill, it develops through practice and dedication. There are various techniques, such as mind mapping, the “Six Thinking Hats” method, or the challenge of creating a story from randomly selected words. But creativity can also be nurtured daily—by changing small things in our routine. Take a different route home, rearrange your desk, or switch up your evening routine. Every intentional change pushes us out of our comfort zone and stimulates new sensations—this is where creativity finds fertile ground.
Nurture your creativity. It is your superpower, not only generating new value but also shaping you, empowering you, and opening the door to a world of new possibilities.