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Google ads

Do you wish to increase the number of visits to your website and online sales? Today, everyone uses Google to look for information or things. For this reason, people need to see you through search words or Google ads. What’s more, Google generates 97% of its revenue from Google Ads.

For you, we can create the following Google ads campaigns:

Google Search Network ad:
This ad will place you in the top position in the Google search based on keywords. Since the potential customer already has the intention to search for the product or service based on the keyword, the Google Search campaign will easily attract his attention because it will rank you on top of the search (most of the people click on the first result in the search and that 2/3 of the internet users still makes no difference between the ad and the organic search result).
Google Display ad:

Display advertising provides an option to reach people outside Google's search engine results, which is nothing more but an online version of banners intended for website visitors. Whether the user clicks on the product or not, isn’ very important to advertisers, especially if many people have seen their product. It is crucial for a successful search, especially while building a brand.
YouTube ad:

YouTube ads will be presented to the carefully selected YT channels – where they should be! When releasing content on YT the SE content optimization on the selected channel will be taken into account: (the title and text in the description, tags, title, photographs, and connectivity with other content on the channel…). (odsecen kraj – proveriti)

For more information or an offer please call+381(65) 37 37 317.